UX/UI Design

Optic8 website screenshot


2024 - Freelance Designer / Developer
Trilogy Studios website screenshot

Trilogy Studios

2024 - Freelance Designer / Developer
Microsoft 3D Surface

Shop in 3D

2022 - Microsoft Designer / Developer
A screenshot of a chat modal

Proactive Chat

2020 - Microsoft Designer
A chat conversation window


2020 - Microsoft Designer
A phone with the Tether app


2016 - Microsoft UX Designer
A UI interface

Content Block Builder

2015 - Microsoft Prototyper
A screenot of the Picchu interface


2015 - Microsoft Designer / Developer

Design Showcase

Various icons


2023 - Microsoft Motion designer / Video Editor
Various icons

Motion Graphics Reel

2023 - Freelance Motion designer / Video Editor
Various icons

Teams Holiday Background

2023 - Microsoft Designer
Various icons

Fluent Icons

2022 - Microsoft Designer / Developer
The Microsoft Complete logo

Microsoft Complete

2020 - Microsoft Designer
Various icons

Value Props

2020 - Microsoft Designer
A low poly 3D cityscape

Digital Summit

2020 - Microsoft Designer
A virtual Microsoft Store

Virtual Store

2017 - Microsoft Prototyper
The start screen of the Project Mio video game

Project Mio

2016 - Microsoft
Game Designer / JS Developer
A pixelated sword

8-Bit Takeover

2015 - Microsoft Designer / Bookmarklet Developer
Retro anaglyph 3D glasses

Back To The Future Takeover

2015 - Microsoft Designer / Bookmarklet Developer
A simplified spreadsheet

Simplified Office

2016 - Microsoft Designer
Snowy hills and a sled with gifts on it

Holiday Campaign

2019 - Microsoft Designer
Various pride pins

Pride Campaign

2020 - Microsoft Designer